Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Local and Large

Just as I hoped, things are definitely picking up in the wholesale department. May is going to be off the hook. I'm aiming to pump out 50 bags / pounds every week (minimum) and it's starting to happen on a regular basis. As soon as the next 4 big accounts start up we are going to be in over our heads in a wonderful way. Because when we are buried in bags and the roaster is churning daily, that means things are going really well.

Ridgefield Organics and Specialty Foods is a new customer, as is Bill Smith Studios in New York. Both places are big into being 'green' and organic so we are thrilled to be associated with them. Another new client is ION Restaurant in Middletown. They are vegan / vegetarian with an extreme local focus and it is fantastic to have them brewing our beans for their customers.

This an account that I am really excited about. I love that people will be finishing their already amazing meals with a fresh and delicious cup of coffee or espresso. Hell, go ahead and get a mocha with that avocado ice cream if you want. I had a taste of that dessert on Monday and it was surprisingly good. Lu, of course, knew she was going to dig it and she did. Thoroughly.

This week there's some other special Bean & Leaf activities in the works. I can't say more until I see it for myself, but stay tuned.

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